Numerics for Chemical Ingeneering logo

Last update: 09/09/2016

Current Library Version: 0.0.10

1.  Introduction

NCE is a library of routines, models and data applicable to chemical and process engineering calculations.

NCE aims to implement a wide range of common routines and models applicable to chemical and process engineering calculations, with focus on extensibility and portability. It is coded in the Java programming language, that provides a cross platform development environment.

The idea is to have a computational framework where Chemical and Process Engineers can build their own calculation tools, taking advantage of a single source of solution algorithms. This way it would be no longer necessary to browse around for separate tools that accomplish the required tasks, but everything will be available in a single framework.

There is no limitation about which topics to include. Models can belong to thermodynamic routines, properties evaluation, equipments sizing and simulation, piping systems and so on.

2.  Current status

Consult the API documentation for a complete view of what is actually available. Many parts of the code are still alpha quality, take results with care.

3.  Documentation

There is a reference manual focused on the theory behind the library. It is intended as a quick overview of which models are available, how they are implemented and which is the solution procedure. It is not be up to date due to the continuous development. Nevertheless, it is a very useful tool to understand what is available and how it is implemented.

The API documentation is available in html format, generated with Javadoc.

The documentation files are included in main distribution package .

4.  Software based on NCE

Numerics for Chemical Engineering is a generic library that can be used to build any sort of calculation software. Here below several applications of NCE library:

5.  Learning

There is an extensive package of examples to help user familiarize with the API and start building applications in minutes just by copy and paste. A jar file containing the examples is included in the main distribution package.

6.  License and Terms of Use

7.  Feedback

Comments are welcome. You can contact the authors by email.